Director of Capacity Building and Organizational Learning

Pronouns: she/her

Pamela Tassin is a Certified Health Education Specialist from the Midwest. She is a formally trained classroom teacher and received her Bachelor of Science in Education from the University of Nebraska. Her work has included more than two decades of capacity-building assistance, providing services and programs to local, national, and international audiences. Focus areas have included training and education in HIV evidence-based interventions, organizational infrastructure, program sustainability, and correctional health. Pamela is dedicated to dismantling systemic racism, oppression, and bias through organizational development and change at all levels of management and leadership. Pamela currently serves as a member of the Congressional Caucus on Black Women and Girls Task Force (Illinois). She is the Director of Capacity Building and Organizational Learning for San Francisco Community Health Center and brings extensive experience implementing federally funded capacity-building projects.


Megan Phalon


Clarissa Ospina-Norvell, NP